6 Tips for Lowering Your Homeowners Insurance Costs

November 1, 2022

While homeowners insurance may be expensive, it might cost you more than it should, depending on your home’s risk, individual profile, policy selections, and more. Nonetheless, you can find ways and tricks to control costs. Here are six tips for lowering your homeowners insurance costs.

1. Work with an insurance broker

Some homeowners might think working with an insurance broker is an extra cost. However, considering their experience, skills, and market knowledge, they can help you create a plan suitable for your budget. They can also compare prices to help get you the best policy at an affordable cost. The right insurance brokers, including insurance brokers in Vancouver, can offer you professional advice on what you can do to lower your homeowners insurance cost.

When looking for insurance brokers, consider whether they’re experienced in homeowners insurance and ensure they’re reputable. The ideal brokers should be approachable and transparent, making collaborating easier.

2. Shop around

Shopping for homeowners insurance every two or three years is an excellent way to find affordable policies because insurance rates constantly change. Consider getting quotes from different insurers and comparing their offerings to choose the best and most affordable policy.

3. Increase your deductible

A deductible is an amount you must pay towards a loss before the insurer begins to pay a claim based on your policy terms. The higher your deductibles, the more you’ll save on premiums. Increasing your deductibles helps save money you would otherwise pay to the insurance company. However, you should have enough money saved to cater to more significant out-of-pocket expenses should you have to make a claim.

4. Make home improvements

Limiting the frequency of claims and making your home safer are excellent ways to control your homeowners insurance costs. While some home improvements increase your insurance premiums, others reduce them. Replacing your roof, installing a security system, upgrading home systems, including replacing aging pipes, installing new ventilation, heating, and HVAC systems or water heater, investing in smart home technology, and considering hail or wind-resistant upgrades are some of the home improvements that can reduce your insurance. If you’ve made any improvements to your home, contact the insurance company to determine if you’re eligible for deductions.

5. Consolidate your insurance policies

If you have insurance coverage from different providers, consider bundling them. For instance, if you have a life assurance policy with your employer’s insurer and car insurance from a different insurance company, you can bundle your insurance products using one insurer for all your needs to save money. Most insurance providers will discount your multi-policy to reward your loyalty. Talk to your insurer to determine if there are discounts for consolidating two or more policies, as this may result in significant savings.

6. Improve your credit score

Most insurers utilize credit-based insurance scores to calculate your rates, meaning your credit score significantly impacts your homeowners insurance premiums. With a good credit score, you can land an affordable home insurance policy. If you have a poor credit score, your insurance provider will consider you risky, resulting in higher rates. Read your credit report to ascertain no errors and find ways to improve your credit score.


While home insurance can be costly, you can find a way to reduce it. Use these tips to lower your homeowners insurance costs. 

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