
Epic Battles: The Top 10 Most Memorable Showdowns in Comic History

May 1, 2024
memorable showdowns


Comic books are considered a form of literature. Some of the best comic book stories feature recurring plotlines, slow-building narratives, and character arcs. Still, many fans love reading comic books for the artwork and witnessing the memorable showdowns between superpowered characters. Here is a list of 10 such epic and memorable showdowns.

1. Spider-Man vs. Tombstone

memorable showdowns


In the first issues of 2022’s rebooted Amazing Spider-Man comic book series, Spider-Man throws himself in the middle of a beef between gangsters Tombstone and the Rose. Tombstone, severely annoyed by Spider-Man’s antics, entraps him and takes him to a secluded subway tunnel. In Amazing Spider-Man #3, Tombstone securely shackles and severely beats Spider-Man without removing his mask. It’s nowhere near a fair fight and Spider-Man never has a chance. Although Spider-Man heals quickly, it took time for him to recover.

2. Archie vs. Predator

memorable showdowns


2015’s crossover comic Archie vs Predator sounds like an idea that shouldn’t have worked, but it was critically acclaimed. A teenage Predator, a race of aliens called the Yautja who trophy hunt other beings, arrives in Riverdale and begins killing its residents. The story humanized the teen, alien Predator and depicted Riverdale as more of a horror film backdrop than a sleepy suburb. The crossover worked and created one of the most memorable showdowns in recent comic memory.

3. Atlanteans vs. Amazons

memorable showdowns


2011’s Flashpoint took place in an alternate DC Comics universe where a depowered Barry Allen altered his timeline trying to stop the murder of his mother. One of the most interesting conflicts in the story centered on Wonder Woman and Orin (Aquaman). Orin, ruler of Atlantis was set to marry Diana, daughter of the Queen of the Amazons. Orin had an affair with Mera who then Mera tried to kill Diana.

Diana beheads Mera and wears her crown as a petty trophy. An Amazonian traitor poses as an Atlantean and kills Diana’s mother. This caused a war between the Amazons and Atlanteans that caused flooding in Europe that killed over 60 million people. This war is one of the most memorable showdowns in DC Comics, even if in an alternate universe.

4. Batman vs. Superman

memorable showdowns


In 1988’s The Dark Knight Returns a 55-year-old Bruce Wayne returns from retirement to save Gotham City. Gotham City and federal officials are not happy and send Superman to deal with Batman. Batman rigs an exo-suit powered by Gotham’s electrical grid, has Superman shot with a kryptonite arrow, and gives Superman a savage beating. While its true Superman’s moral compass kept him from instantaneously taking out an elderly Batman, it’s still one of the most memorable showdowns in comic history.

5. Iron Man vs. Captain America

memorable showdowns


Civil War is a 2006 Marvel Comics event series. The U.S. government mandates that all superheroes register their true identities after a supervillain causes an explosion in a small town killing 600 people. Iron Man backs the mandate while Captain America opposes it, causing all other heroes to choose sides. Iron Man and Cap engage in an epic street battle, but Cap forfeits the fight when he sees bystanders siding with Iron Man. As Cap is taken into custody by S.H.I.E.L.D. he is shot by an unknown assassin. This story inspired 2016’s Captain America: Civil War.

6. Rick Grimes vs. Negan

memorable showdowns


In The Walking Dead comic book, Rick Grimes and his group of survivors show how morally compromised humans survive during a zombie apocalypse. In 2012’s TWD #100, Rick and his crew are assaulted by Negan and the Saviors, a crew of morally bereft humans who prey on other human communities and demand tribute. Negan savagely imposes his will on Rick and his group by beating Glenn to death with a barb-wired bat named Lucille. James Dean Morgan infamously portrayed the character on the TV show adaptation TWD and spinoff, Dead City. It was one of the most memorable showdowns in comic and TV history.

7. Joker vs. Bruce Wayne’s Money

memorable showdowns


In the recent “Joker War” storyline in Batman comics, Batman was utterly defeated by the Joker without a punch being thrown. Joker stole over $100 billion from Bruce Wayne’s global accounts, assets, offshore accounts, shell corporations, and so on. Joker, who knows Batman’s true identity, wanted to hurt Wayne in a way he couldn’t physically. Catwoman stole the money back and gave it to Lucious Fox to manage since federal regulators were now eyeing Wayne Enterprises. Wayne is still technically broke and lost Wayne Manor.

8. Invincible vs. Omni-Man

memorable showdowns


Invincible is a 2003 independent comic book series about teenager Mark Grayson learning that his father, Nolan, is a superpowered alien. Mark, the superhero Invincible, learns his father’s secrets in issue #12. Moreover, Mark learns that Omni-Man is a scout for an alien race destined to conquer Earth. Omni-Man reveals that his time pretending to be human is over and he wants Mark to help him take over Earth.

Mark is outraged. Omni-Man, even more outraged, nearly beats Mark to death. The fight, one of the most memorable showdowns in comics decades ago, became an online sensation and meme when it was adapted for the 2021 Amazon animated series.

9. Batman vs. Bane

memorable showdowns


“Knightfall,” is the first in a trilogy of 1993 Batman comic book storylines including “Knightquest,” and “KnightsEnd,” which depict the fall of Batman at the hands of Bane. Bane, a military strategist and hulking villain empowered by doses of the drug “venom,” frees all of the criminals at Arkham Asylum. Bane creates chaos in Gotham to wear Batman down. Then, with Batman at his weakest, they engage in one of the most memorable showdowns in comics history. Batman is severely beaten by Bane. Bane breaks Batman’s back, crippling him. This story inspired 2012’s The Dark Knight Rises.

10. Superman vs. Muhammad Ali

memorable showdowns


1978’s Superman vs. Muhammad Ali features one of the most memorable showdowns in comic book history that many don’t know about. An alien armada has come to destroy Earth. They are swayed by a wager suggested by Muhammad Ali, the greatest boxer of his era, and Superman; the two will entertain the aliens in a boxing match if they spare Earth. Superman and Ali are taken to an alien world with a red sun, where Superman would be powerless. Ali wins, but the champion actively works with Superman to ensure the Earth is saved.

The Most Memorable Showdowns in Comics

memorable showdowns


The history of modern comic books goes back almost a century so there are just too many memorable showdowns to list. Many characters have perpetual rematches while new characters await their signature villain pairings and showdowns. While great comic books offer great stories and characterizations, some of the best stories only need visuals to portray the best fights.

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